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Let Go of WORRY!

Hey Friend,

I don’t know what has been worrying you, but I have come to tell you one thing: LAY EVERY WORRY down at the feet of Jesus. One of the definitions of Worry is “mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated”. Impending is defined as something that is about to happen or occur and anticipated is defined as something you think will happen. Let it be known to you today that God does NOT want you to carry mental distress or be agitated because of something that is to come or something you THINK MIGHT happen. Instead, God is asking you to lay it down at his feet. To lay something down is defined as, “to give up; surrender”. When I read this definition, I was like wow. It cannot get any clearer than that! God is asking you to give up the thing that is worrying you and surrender it to him. Now, when I say at his feet I mean to get in a place where you can focus on him alone and truly surrender those things to him privately with no distractions.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 CSB

When we worry it causes us to take our eyes off Jesus and we end up magnifying our circumstance. What you are worrying about also shows you where you lack trust in God the most. This is not to condemn you but to get you to understand that worrying is the total opposite of trusting in God. When I find myself worrying about something 2 things are clear: 1. I am being consumed by that worry and 2. I am leaning on my own understanding, which is causing me to worry.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not rely on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3:5 CSB

Friend, I know that there is much to worry about in this lifetime, but God offers us a solution, TO TRUST HIM! You cannot lean on your own understanding and trust God at the same time because our understanding of things is DIFFERENT from God's. Simply, because he is God. He knows all things and see's all things. The Bible also tells us that his thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways his ways (Isaiah 55:8). If you have been worrying, I want to encourage you to spend some quiet time with God. The more we spend time with God the easier it is to let go of things that try to worry us.

Cast your burden on the Lord,

and he will sustain you;

he will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

Psalm 55:22 CSB

Many Blessings,

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