Hey there! We are officially in December; can you believe it? Since we are in the LAST month of the year, I believe it is the PERFECT opportunity to close this month out preparing for the new year. So, Today I want to talk about Devotion to God.
As we close out this year, I want to encourage you to reflect on your current devotion to God. One of the definitions of Devotion according to Merriam-Webster is, “a religious exercise or practice other than regular corporate worship of a congregation”. I found this as confirmation because our devotion to God should go BEYOND us going to church and doing regular religious duties that we may deem to be tied with being a Christian. I believe that Devotion to God reveals the posture of our heart toward him. Sincere devotion to God is a pure love and reverence for God that is present through all things and every day. As our relationship with God grows our devotion to him grows. This Devotion to God we have within us should then shape the way we live our everyday life. Therefore, we want to see where we may have taken our eyes off him and pray in that area as this year comes to an end. I truly believe that we can have sincere devotion to God but allow other things over time to pull from that devotion.
You might be wondering if there is a biblical reference to this and the first person that came to mind was David. David is known as the Man after God’s own heart!! One can rightly assume that David had a sincere devotion to God. Yet, his desire for a woman he saw bathing led him to take his focus off God and commit a sin that greatly displeased God (See 2 Samuel Chapters 11 and 12). If David, a man after God’s own heart let something take his focus off his devotion to God then friend, we certainly are not exempt.
So, Today I want to encourage us to take time to have a real and honest reflection on our devotion to God. If you have found that something has taken your sincere devotion away from God, I don’t want you to feel shamed but instead I want you to take that to God with a sincere desire for help. This can look like Praying, Journaling how you currently feel and what you would like to see change, repenting and asking God for his help. Friend, during this busy holiday season let us strive to align our hearts and minds back to the father, lay our plans down for his plans and shift our focus back on the things that truly matter before going into the NEW YEAR!
Many Blessings,